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Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Vergeten Helden

Heldvan de wo2 

u spomen palim borcima sv jelene od godine


Maurits Burgers said...

Ergens in Kroatië?

'Ter herinnering aan de gevallen soldaten van Sint Helena'(?). Zij zal wel schutspatroon ergens zijn. Misschien Zagreb

Painted Bird said...

This monument is not only the 250th missile brigade, but all of 250th rocket brigades in the history of Serbia - all those heroes who have laid down their lives on the altar of the fatherland. Would that no one had to die. Glory to them as the most valuable they have passed for a better future for our children. Serbian spirit that is cultivated through the centuries remains. I think that here can be much more to learn than in the benches when it comes to history and ethics. They say that the Serbs certainly lose the concept of humanity and heroism, and I now see that it is not so - said Vukanic.

Vertaald met Google Translate, dus ietwat klunzig ;)

Steady Freddy said...
